My heart has been so heavy with dread and compassion for the people of Japan ever since waking up last Friday morning to the news of their major earthquake and tsunami. Day by day the accounts of devastation and destruction to Japan's people & country have been rising steadily at an unbelievable rate leaving me with a terrible sense of helplessness.
So for what little I can do from California's central coast I'm writing this for ALL THE PEOPLE affected by the many tragedies in Japan. Know that so many families, churches and congregations in the WORLD are praying for your loved ones, your survival and your recovery through this unthinkable time of chaos and hardship. We can not even begin to imagine what you're going through and I don't dare say that we ever will. Please accept this note as a small token of our support, sorrow & regret for your time of crisis.
May GOD be with each and every person.
~ myself, my family, & my friends